There’s always a story behind the ashes,
A sole tale geared up to be born again.
It just needs a killer and a string of flashes,
Utterly minds and a recall which remains.
A man steadying tightly against the wind.
His crazy brain is a grubby black hole
Which shallows everything around him,
Before kill you all, and your fickle hopes.
And agent of chaos, a free hound dog
Without our ethnical and futile applies.
Ready to run, to seek, to destroy you.
He’s going to show you through the fog;
He will annihilate your brainless alibis.
Ready to hunt, to track, to rape you.
“I believe whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you… stranger.”
A sole tale geared up to be born again.
It just needs a killer and a string of flashes,
Utterly minds and a recall which remains.
A man steadying tightly against the wind.
His crazy brain is a grubby black hole
Which shallows everything around him,
Before kill you all, and your fickle hopes.
And agent of chaos, a free hound dog
Without our ethnical and futile applies.
Ready to run, to seek, to destroy you.
He’s going to show you through the fog;
He will annihilate your brainless alibis.
Ready to hunt, to track, to rape you.
“I believe whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you… stranger.”
Cayetano Gea Martín
10 comentarios:
Uebos es que cites tus fuentes.
Amen as well...
What means "Uebos"? I don't get it...
Mi queridísimo e ignífero párvulo amigo y compañero de borracheras, uebo es que consultes el DRAE raudamente; que si no, corremos el fatuo y ufano riesgo de caer en filfas y hueras estulticias.
Lo más deferente posible, tu colega
P.S. Javier Marías me está dando una diafana hemicrania con su libro...
Ya lo busqué, señor opus magnificat... Por cierto, el sabbat viene Diego y habrá que quedar, ¿no?
Hombre sí, claro, si viene Diego, mañana quedamos. Y esta noche?? Te pasas por el Bacchvs?
De todas maneras a ver si mañana podemos convencer ufanamente a Diego para que nos invite! :P
Hoy Bacchvs, no, que saldré tarde y de mala ostia... Mañana, mañana, si Diego se estira...
Que te zurzan con hilo verde... jeje
(Ya no me da tiempo a escribir, prometo, ateamente, please, y atentamente, también, que la semana que viene sin falta.)
Besos con hilo de colores
¿Que me zurzan? Me zurciré con tu futurible correo... si es que llega, claro, jejeje...
Hola Kay, i don't know if I must publish in english or spanish. I believe the same thing, what doesn't kill us, make us stronger. I'm sure about that because of different experiences.
Muy buenas tus entradas como siempre!! te espero por mi blog!
un abrazo desde Uruguay con 40ºc
Hi, Elisa!
Gracias por pasarte por aquí... ¡Ahora me pasaré por tu blog febril de 40ºC! Ah, qué ganas tengo de que llegue el veranito a Madrid...
And you can write in any lenguage you would like, of course!
Kss from Spain
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